Pam is a contemporary artist whose images capture the mystical element in nature and the human psyche.
Pam was born and educated in Greece. She started to paint and study art at a very young age. Apart from art, she studied English literature and translation, archaeology, psychology and theology. She has translated several books; among others, the theological works of Tertullian for the first time in Greek. Archaeology, psychology and theology – especially the Bible and Christian mysticism – are major influences on her artistic work. She currently lives in Australia with her family, and she is a member of the Contemporary Artists Society of Victoria; the country’s beautiful nature has inspired several of her new paintings. Her current aim is to explore the possibility of using visual arts to picture the invisible side of things – psychological or metaphysical. She would like her paintings to inspire meditation and contemplation, because she believes art plays a major role in self-discovery and connection with the creation and the Creator.
2011: Art at Burnley Harbour exhibition
Decoy Café Gallery
Herring Island exhibition